Nomura Real Estate Asset Management Co., Ltd.Nomura Real Estate Asset Management Co., Ltd.


Signatory to Initiatives External evaluation

Nomura Real Estate Asset Management Co., Ltd. has signed and participates in the following initiatives. (Including signing, participation, etc. by the Nomura Real Estate Group).

  • ・Signatory of the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI)
  • ・Participating in the Japan Climate Initiative (JCI)
  • ・Signatory of the Principles for Financial Action for the 21st Century (PFA21) for the formation of a sustainable society
  • ・Supports the recommendations issued by the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD)
  • ・Signatory to the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative(NZAM)
  • ・Signatory of the UN Global Compact
  • ・Target approved by the SBTi (Science Based Targets Initiative)
  • ・Achieved 'A-' rating in the CDP SCORE 2022
  • ・Joined RE100
  • ・Participated in the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) Forum
  • ・Participated in the 30by30 Alliance for Biodiversity
  • ・Recognition as Company under the 2024 Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program (Large Enterprise Category)
  • ・Awarded Gold in the PRIDE Index 2024 - the index for assessing initiatives to address sexual minorities
  • ・Received the FY2021 Minister of the Environment Award for Climate Action
  • ・Member of the Iku-Boss Alliance
  • ・Received the Award of Excellence at the 5th EcoPro Awards
  • ・Received the Environmental Management System (EMS) Eco Action Of The Year 2022 (Social Section) Bronze Award

The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) initiative is an international network of investors working together to put six principles for responsible investment into practice. The principles, which were proposed for the financial sector in 2006 by the then UN Secretary-General, Kofi Annan, are promoted by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC).
The principles call on investors to incorporate environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) issues into investment decision-making. By including those issues in the investment process, the goal is to improve long-term investment performance and further enhance fiduciary duty.
NREAM subscribes to the fundamental principles of the PRI and became a signatory in December 2017.

Principles for Responsible Investment – Summary

  1. We will incorporate ESG issues into investment analysis and decision-making processes.
  2. We will be active owners and incorporate ESG issues into our ownership policies and practices.
  3. We will seek appropriate disclosure on ESG issues by the entities in which we invest.
  4. We will promote acceptance and implementation of the principles within the investment industry.
  5. We will work together to enhance our effectiveness in implementing the principles.
  6. We will each report on our activities and progress towards implementing the principles.

The signatory reports on and receives assessment concerning its ESG investment performance once a year.
We were assessed as follows in the annual assessment for 2023.

Module Assessment Result
Policy, Governance, and Strategy ★★★★☆
Real Estate ★★★★☆
Confidence building measures ★★★★★
*Ratings are given for each module. The highest rating is 5-star.

For more information, please visit the Principles for Responsible Investment website.

The United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI) was established in 1992 as a wide-ranging, close partnership between the UNEP and more than 200 banks, insurance companies, securities firms and other members from the financial sector worldwide. Since it was established, the partnership has worked with financial institutions, policymakers and regulatory authorities to create a financial system that takes into account both economic development and ESG factors.(UNEP FI)
NREAM subscribes to the fundamental principles of the UNEP FI and became a signatory in December 2017.
In addition, from January 2022, based on an agreement between UNEP FI and PRI, part of the UNEP FI membership has been incorporated into PRI. As a result, from January 2022, Nomura Real Estate Asset Management will no longer participate in UNEP FI but continue the initiatives previously conducted in UNEP FI as a member of PRI.

For more information, please visit the United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative website.

Main activities NREAM joined Contents Period
Property Working Group Sharing of information on best practices in real estate and so on 2017/12~(4 times per year)
Ditto Creation of the Positive Impact Real Estate Investment Framework (Japanese version)

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Real Estate Impact Analysis Working Group Development of a real estate impact analysis tool

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Support for the message requesting strengthening of measures to address climate change Support for the message presented by the Investor Agenda, of which UNEP FI is a partner, to the governments of various countries

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Support for the message requesting strengthening of measures to address climate change Support for the message presented by the Investor Agenda, of which PRI is a partner, to the governments of various countries.

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Japan Advisory Committee One of the PRI official Advisory committees and working groups.

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2023/6~(4 times per year)

Japan Climate Initiative was established in July 2018 to participate in the global forefront of decarbonization from Japan based on the belief that "converting to the decarbonized society envisioned by the Paris Agreement creates opportunities for new growth and development." It is a network of non-governmental parties in Japan, various companies, municipalities, organizations and NGOs, who are proactively implementing measures against climate change.
NREAM subscribes to the fundamental priciples of JCI and became a member in October 2018.

For more information, please visit the Japan Climate Initiative(JCI) website.

Main activities NREAM joined Contents Period
Support for the message requesting strengthening of measures to address climate change Support for the message presented by JCI to the Government of Japan

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Support for the message requesting strengthening of measures to address climate change Support for the message presented by JCI to the Government of Japan

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Support for the message requesting strengthening of measures to address climate change Support for the message presented by JCI to the Government of Japan

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Support for the message requesting strengthening of measures to address climate change Support for the message presented by JCI to the Government of Japan

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Support for the message requesting strengthening of measures to address climate change Support for the message presented by JCI to the Government of Japan

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Support for the message requesting strengthening of measures to address climate change Support for the message presented by JCI to the Government of Japan

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Principles for Financial Action Towards a Sustainable Society, or Principles for Financial Action for the 21st Century (PFA21), began at the request of the Minister of Environment, and the Central Environment Council’s Expert Committee on Environment and Finance presented a policy recommendation to expand the circle of commitment for environmental financial action. The principles were then established in October 2011 as a guideline for financial institutions seeking to fulfil their roles and responsibilities in shaping a sustainable society, with the Ministry of Environment taking on the role of secretariat.

Signatory financial institutions will implement initiatives based on the seven principles, to the extent possible within their business context. It is intended to be a starting point for the like-minded to cooperate without being restricted to their specific industry, scale and geography.

Ten years have passed since the establishment of the principles in 2011, and in response to the remarkable progress in trends in environmental finance in Japan and overseas, the principles (seven principles and the preamble) were revised on June 22, 2022.

The Principles

  • 1.Basic posture
    Recognizing the responsibilities and roles that financial institutions themselves play for the formation of a sustainable society, we aim to create positive impacts on the environment, society and economy, and mitigate negative impacts. Take the initiative in practicing the efforts of.
  • 2.Contribution to a sustainable global society
    We will lead the formation of a sustainable global society by developing and providing financial products and services that contribute to the creation and development of industries and businesses through innovation, toward steady and fair transitions in society.
  • 3.Contribution to the formation of sustainable communities
    We will support the solution of environmental, social and economic issues based on regional characteristics, and lead the formation of sustainable local communities through the improvement of regional inclusiveness and resilience.
  • 4.Human resource development
    Recognize the importance of human capital in financial institutions, and develop human resources who can think for themselves and take action on environmental and social issues.
  • 5.Collaboration with various stakeholders
    Recognizing the importance of cooperation among various stakeholders, including financial institutions, in order to form a sustainable society, we not only participate in such efforts but also play an active role.
  • 6.Building a sustainable supply chain
    Actively tackle environmental issues such as climate change and biodiversity and social issues such as human rights, and build a sustainable supply chain through constructive engagement with business partners including investment and loan partners.
  • 7.Information disclosure
    Recognizing that activities to enhance the sustainability of society are management issues, we will disclose our efforts to a wide range of stakeholders and make constant improvements based on domestic and international trends and disclosure frameworks.

NREAM subscribes to the fundamental principles of Principles for Financial Action for the 21st Century and became a signatory in July 2019.

For more information, please visit Principles for Financial Action for the 21st Century website.

Main activities NREAM joined Contents Period
Received the Minister of the Environment Award (general category) Nomura Real Estate Asset Management has received the Minister of the Environment Award (general category) for best practice in recognition of being the first J-REIT to acquire third party certification of the environmental management system.

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TCFD refers to the “Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures” launched by the Financial Stability Board (“FSB”) for the purpose of discussing the disclosures of climate-related financial information and responses by financial institutions.
TCFD identifies climate change as a serious risk to the global economy and encourages companies and organizations to understand and disclose four core elements regarding climate-related risks and opportunities: "Governance", "Strategy", "Metrics and Targets" and "Risk Management", in its recommendations.
Nomura Real Estate Asset Management Co., Ltd. ("NREAM" or the "Asset Management Comany") announced its support for the recommendations of the TCFD and also decided to participate in the TCFD Consortium, a group of domestic companies that supports TCFD recommendations, in July 2020.

For details, please refer to the TCFD and TCFD Consortium websites.

Main activities NREAM joined Contents Period
TCFD Round Table Dialogue between domestic investors and business companies concerning TCFD disclosure 2021/3, 7, 12, 2022/3, 7, 2023/2, 7, 11, 2024/9

NZAM is an international group of asset managers committed, consistent with their fiduciary duty to their clients and beneficiaries, to supporting the goal of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 or sooner, in line with global efforts to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius.
NREAM subscribes to the commitment of NZAM and became a signatory in September 2023.

For more information, please visit ”The Net Zero Asset Managers initiative ” website.

The UN Global Compact is a voluntary initiative in which companies and organizations act as good members of society and participate with a view to realizing sustainable growth through exhibiting responsible and creative leadership. Proposed by Kofi Annan, then Secretary-General of the United Nations, at the 1999 World Economic Forum (Meeting in Davos), the UN Global Compact was officially launched in 2000.
In May 2019, Nomura Real Estate Holdings signed the UN Global Compact, and the Nomura Real Estate Group was registered as a participant. At the same time, Nomura Real Estate Asset Management Co., Ltd. also participated as a member of the Nomura Real Estate Group.

UN Global Compact 10 Principles

  • [Human Rights]
    Principle 1: Support and respect for the protection of human rights
    Principle 2: Non-complicity in human rights abuses
  • [Labour]
    Principle 3: Recognition of freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining
    Principle 4: Elimination of forced and compulsory labour
    Principle 5: The effective abolition of child labour
    Principle 6: The elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation
  • [Environment]
    Principle 7: Precautionary approach to environmental challenges
    Principle 8: Initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility
    Principle 9: Development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies.
  • [Anti-Corruption]
    Principle 10: Initiatives for the prevention of corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.

For details, please refer to the United Nations Global Compact website.

The SBTi is a joint initiative by the WWF, CDP (former Carbon Disclosure Project), World Resources Institute (WRI) and the United Nations Global Compact. It calls on companies to set science-based reduction targets geared to achieving the goal of holding global mean temperature increase caused by climate change to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels. For example, it emphasizes and encourages companies to set a vision and goals for reducing greenhouse gases based on the long-term perspective of 2050, and it also formulates guidance, tools and so forth to support the setting of goals. As of October 2020, more than 1,000 companies worldwide have committed to setting aggressive reduction goals under the SBTi. It has become the global standard for formulating goals in accordance with the Paris Accord.
Nomura Real Estate Holdings obtained approval for its GHG emissions reduction goal of the Nomura Real Estate Group (reducing absolute scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG (CO₂) emissions 35% each by 2030 from the base year of 2019) in November 2020. This company is also participating in the activity as a member of the Nomura Real Estate Group.

For details, see the website of the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi) .

CDP, established in the United Kingdom in 2000, is an NGO that runs the global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states and regions to manage their environmental impacts.
Nomura Real Estate Holdings, in an effort to promote initiatives to address climate change and enhance the transparency of its information disclosure, responds to the "CDP Climate Change" survey that has been implemented by CDP since fiscal 2019. In fiscal 2023, the overall Nomura Real Estate Group, including Nomura Real Estate Asset Management, received a B rating.

RE100, which draws participation from corporations all over the world, is an international initiative that aims to meet 100% of electric power needs with renewable energy in the business activities of members.
In January 2022, Nomura Real Estate Holdings overall joined RE100. At the same time, NREAM also participated as a member of the Nomura Real Estate Group.

TNFD is an international initiative that aims to build a framework for appropriately assessing and disclosing nature-related risks and opportunities for natural capital and biodiversity. The TNFD Forum is a group of stakeholders organized to support the construction of the TNFD framework.
In July 2022, Nomura Real Estate Holdings overall announced its participation in the TNFD Forum. At the same time, NREAM also participated as a member of the Nomura Real Estate Group.

30by30 refers to the target of effectively conserving sound ecosystems on at least 30% of the total land and ocean to achieve the goal of arresting and reversing the loss of biodiversity(nature positive) by 2030.
In July 2022, to contribute to the achievement of the "30by30" goal, Nomura Real Estate Holdings overall announced its participation in the Alliance, for which the Ministry of Environment acts as the secretariat. At the same time, NREAM also participated as a member of the Nomura Real Estate Group.

NRE Holdings has been selected as a "KENKO Investment for Health" *1 in recognition of its initiatives in the field of health management. Moreover, nine companies belonging to the NRE Holdings Group, namely, NRE, NRE Solutions, NREAM, NRE Life & Sports, NRE Partners, PRIME X, NRE Commerce, and NRE Hotels, have been recognized as a " 2024 Certified Health & Productivity Management Outstanding Organization", while five companies, namely NRE Holdings, NRE, NRE Solutions, NREAM, and NRE Life & Sports, have been recognized as a "2024 Certified Health & Productivity Management Organization (White 500 *2)".

*1 "Kenko Investment for Health" is selected from among companies listed on the Tokyo Stock Exchange based on their strategic approach to employee health management from a managerial perspective.

*2 "Certification System for Excellent Corporations for Health Management" is a system for recognizing corporations that practice particularly excellent health and productivity management based on initiatives that meet local health issues and health promotion efforts promoted by Nippon Kenko Kaigi, and White 500 recognizes companies that are implementing particularly outstanding initiatives in this area.

news release

The "PRIDE Index" is intended to assess initiatives for addressing LGBTQ+ and other sexual minorities in the workplace, established by the voluntary organization "work with Pride". Targeting five assessment items, it measures the initiatives that are taken by corporations.

In November 2024, six companies in the NRE Group received "PRIDE Index 2024", and five of those including NREAM were awarded the highest rating of "Gold".
Based on the "Nomura Real Estate Group Diversity & Inclusion Promotion Policy", Nomura Real Estate Group promotes diversity and inclusion in various attributes such as race, ethnicity, nationality, age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, religion, faith, social status, lifestyle, and life stage to ensure that all employees can fully display their individuality and capability and continue to take on challenges with diverse organizations and people to create new values.

The Minister of the Environment Award for Climate Action is presented by the Ministry of the Environment in recognition of individuals and organizations that have realized outstanding achievements in the field of climate initiatives.
The Ministry of the Environment, as part of its initiatives to address global warming, initiated the Minister of the Environment Award for Global Warming Prevention Activities in 1998, however, to better reflect recent trends of climate countermeasures in society, it renewed this scheme to the Minister of the Environment Award for Climate Action in 2020.
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In recognition of ongoing climate change "mitigation" and "adaptation" initiatives by Nomura Real Estate Master Fund and Nomura Real Estate Private REIT, for which NREAM manages investment assets by the name of J-REIT, we received the FY2021 Minister of the Environment Award for Climate Action (Dissemination and Promotion Section) sponsored by the Ministry of the Environment.

The EcoPro Awards aim to promote the development and dissemination of initiatives and thereby contribute to the creation of a sustainable society by recognizing products, services, technologies, solutions, and business models that specifically incorporate valuable environmental considerations acquiring high recognition among businesspersons, consumers, investors and stakeholders in the Japanese market.
The Eco Products Awards, the forerunner of the scheme, were launched in 2004. However, to better reflect changing conditions in society and economy including economic globalization, enactment of the Paris Agreement, and establishment of the SDGs, they were revamped as the EcoPro Awards in 2018.
The Award was presented in recognition of ongoing initiatives on ESG/SDGs by Nomura Real Estate Master Fund and Nomura Real Estate Private REIT, for which NREAM manages investment assets by the name of J-REIT.

Eco Action 21 Of The Year 2022 (Social Section) awards aims to highlight the following,
・It recognizes the initiatives for solving social issues by businesses accredited under the Environmental Management System guidelines compiled by the Ministry of the Environment.
・It widely advertises and accelerates initiatives geared toward realizing a carbon-neutral society and achieving the SDGs within Japan.
・It recognizes initiatives for contributing to the resolution of issues in companies or the local community that are separate from environmental management by companies.

The Award was presented in recognition of the first action in the REIT sector by Nomura Real Estate Master Fund and Nomura Real Estate Private REIT, for which NREAM manages investment assets by the name of J-REIT.This action was paving the way for introducing Environmental Management Systems (EMS) Eco Action 21 certification to the REIT sector, contributing to spread EA21 to REIT industry.