Nomura Real Estate Asset Management Co., Ltd.Nomura Real Estate Asset Management Co., Ltd.


Company Overview

Nomura Real Estate Asset Management Co., Ltd.
January 2003
Paid-in capital
JPY 300 million
Masaomi Katayama President & CEOCEO Message
Office Location
Nomura Fudosan Nishi-Shinjuku Kyodo Building
8-5-1 Nishi-Shinjuku, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo 160-0023 Japan Office Location
Nomura Real Estate Holdings, Inc. (100%)
Employees and Officers
Total 172 ( 5 Executive Officers, 2 Statutory Auditors, and 1 Advisor, not including persons on leave)  *As of April 1, 2024
Business operations
Investment management business, Type II financial instruments business, Investment advisory and agency business, Real estate trading business
Registrations, licenses, etc.
Financial instruments business operator registration; Commissioner of the Kanto Local Finance Bureau (Financial Instruments) No.374
Licensed for discretionary proxy in realty trading; Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Permit No,18
Licensed for real estate trading; Governor of Tokyo (5) No.81679
Real estate specified joint enterprise operator; Financial Services Agency Commissione and Minister of Land, Infrastructure and Transport Permit No,78
The Investment Trusts Association, Japan
Japan Investment Advisors Association
The Association for Real Estate Securitization (regular member), etc.

  • Nomura Real Estate Investment Management Co., Ltd. (NREIM) was established
  • NREIM - Began privately placed real estate fund business
  • Nomura Real Estate Asset Management Co., Ltd. (NREAM) was established
  • NREAM - Approved as an investment trust management company
  • NREAM - Established Nomura Real Estate Office Fund (NOF)
Nomura Real Estate Capital Management Co., Ltd. (NRECM) established
  • NREAM - Became first J-REIT management company to receive approval to operate multiple J-REITs
  • NRECM - Became first real estate investment management company to receive approval to manage discretionary investment accounts
  • NRECM - Began managing discretionary accounts for institutional investors, including pension funds
  • NREAM - Established Nomura Real Estate Residential Fund (NRF)
NREAM - Established Japan's first nonlisted open-ended REIT, Nomura Real Estate Private REIT
Merged NREIM, NREAM and NRECM, the three investment management group companies, to newly form Nomura Real Estate Asset Management
Established Nomura Real Estate Master Fund, an industrial/retail multisector J-REIT
Merged the three sector specific NOF, NRF and NMF together to form a new diversified J-REIT, Nomura Real Estate Master Fund
Merged TOP REIT into Nomura Real Estate Master Fund
Became a signatory of Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) and United Nations Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI)
Joined Japan Climate Initiative (JCI)
Signed the Principles for Financial Action towards a Sustainable Society (21st Century Financial Behavior Principles).
  • Received the FY2019 Minister of the Environment Award for the 21st Century Financial Behavior Principles.
  • Expressed agreement with proposals of the TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures)
Received the FY2021 Environment Minister's Award for Climate Change Action.