The employees of this company are, in principle, assigned personnel from Nomura Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. and are subject to Nomura Real Estate’s personnel system and the policies formulated by the parent company Nomura Real Estate Holdings, Inc.
Nomura Real Estate Holdings' Approach and Policies, ManagementThe Nomura Real Estate Group is aware that the physical and mental health and safety of employees are essential for a company's business to grow continuously and sustainably.
Based on this understanding, we made working with enthusiasm and achieving wellness a part of the What We Value Nomura Real Estate Group Action Guideline, and we undertake Wellness Management so that all employees can perform their work in good physical and mental health and with enthusiasm.
In addition, the Nomura Real Estate Group Code of Action provides that the Group will strive to maintain and improve sound and pleasant workplace environment. Accordingly, we implement comprehensive health and safety management, take measures to prevent excessive workloads, long work hours and occupational accidents, and take other action to establish workplace environments that ensure employee mental and physical health and safety, and engage in communications to raise awareness and educate employees.
The Group provides opportunities on a regular basis where the Nomura Real Estate Holdings president and executive vice president meet directly with employees to share workplace issues regarding the work climate and their employment to carry out measures to improve workplace environments. In fiscal 2019, a total of 28 meetings were held to discuss reducing working hours, raising productivity, and helping employees to achieve a good work-life balance. We examined proposals and opinions expressed at these meetings and improved the personnel system. In this manner, these meetings are promoted as measures to improve the health and safety of employees.
The Group complies with laws and regulations regarding working hours in each country and establishes systems for managing and improving conditions. In particular, we strive to reduce overtime. Each month, actual conditions are determined and the situation regarding compliance with Article 36 agreements (agreements made pursuant to Article 36 of the Labor Standards Act regarding overtime work and work on rest days) of each Group company is surveyed, and the Nomura Real Estate Holdings Board of Directors receives reports on and confirms conditions. Regarding companies and undertakings with pending issues related to compliance with Article 36 agreements, we consider responses and take improvement measures. In addition, the Nomura Real Estate investment advisors conduct surveys each month on working hours and the status of employees taking leave time in each division and share findings with all companies so that issues are shared and improvement measures can be taken.
The Group requires employees to undergo complete physical examinations and medical checkups, and established a physical and mental health consultation hotline within the Health Consultation Office, which is staffed by full-time physicians and nurses, to provide access to outside specialists for consultations. In the next fiscal year and thereafter, the Group aims to continue the rate of 100% employees undergoing complete physical examinations and medical checkups on a Group-wide basis in order to early detect health risks for employees and ensure their health and safety.
Based on the following approach, the Group takes measures to respond to infectious diseases in order to prevent infection and the spread of infection, and fulfills its social responsibilities by continuing and maintaining required business activities.
The Group gives top priority to the safety and security of customers and employees. Therefore, the Group has implemented measures for employees to contain the spread of infection, including staggered commuting, working from home, telecommuting, online conferences, and social distancing in offices. Certain companies of the Group grant special leave to employees who take care of their children while schools are closed. They also provide various training programs to employees for their self-study while staying at home. In this way, the Group is implementing various measures.
(As of June 23, 2020)
For further details, refer to the following.
The Group’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic (Japanese only)The Group requires employees to undergo complete physical examinations and medical checkups, and established a physical and mental health consultation hotline within the Health Consultation Office, which is staffed by full-time physicians and nurses, to provide access to outside specialists for consultations. In fiscal 2019, the rate of employees undergoing complete physical examinations and medical checkups was 100%. In the next fiscal year and thereafter, the Group aims to continue the rate of 100% employees undergoing medical examinations and checkups on a Group-wide basis in order to early detect health risks for employees and ensure their health and safety.
As a part of the work style reforms that the Group initiated in fiscal 2017, we are implementing a variety of programs intended to prevent overwork by employees.
【Main Measures】
In addition, employees who work more than a certain number of hours in a single month are required to check their physical condition using a Cumulative Fatigue Self-Diagnosis Checklist and provide feedback to a supervisor. Other measures are also taken to ensure good health such as consulting with an industrial physician.